The Origin of the Words of Comfort

Gwen Frangs / Corrandulla / 1 August 2022

Perhaps some readers wonder about the origin of the words of comfort that are contained in the four galleries at the beginning of this website. The words of comfort are prophetic words given to me by the Holy Spirit over a period of thirty years, spanning from the beginning of 1991 up until earlier this year.

I was very encouraged when God gave me these words, but I did not have the courage to share them with anybody else because I am a shy person. However, earlier this year He began speaking to me about the fact that the words are meant for all of His children and that I should share them on the website.

I believe that the Lord held me back from sharing these words until I had reached the understanding that He is Himself the Holy Spirit incarnate. Up until reaching that understanding, when He had spoken His words to me and I was writing them down in my journals, I had always written the word ‘Spirit’ with a capital ‘S’. However, I reached the understanding of Who He really is last year. So, when I was copying the words into the galleries out of my journals, I was able to use a small letter ‘s’ when He was speaking about His spirit, instead of using the capital ‘S’ that I had previously used. This was because I now understood that when He used the word ‘spirit’, He was speaking about His own spirit.

Therefore, in the words, when the Father is speaking about the Holy Spirit a capital ‘S’ is used, because the Father and the Holy Spirit are two distinct Persons, but, when Jesus is speaking about His spirit, a small ‘s’ is used because He is referring to His own spirit.

The Lord knew that if the words had gone out before I understood Who He is, that they would have contained this error of the use of a capital ‘S’ instead of a small ‘s’ and that it would serve to strengthen the confusion that exists in the church today regarding Who He is.

Unfortunately, Satan succeeded in cutting the knowledge out of church doctrine that Jesus, prior to becoming Jesus, was the Angel of Yahweh, the Holy Spirit, Who is the tabernacle of the Father.

The Holy Spirit is an angel and, as an angel, can present in a contracted visible form as an angel, or in a distributed invisible form, as a spirit. This is why He is able to live inside a believer as a spirit. When we ask Jesus to live in our hearts, He comes and lives in us as a spirit. He is able to do this because, before He became incarnate as Jesus Christ, He was the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is an angel. Hebrews 1:7 makes it clear that the Father can make His angels into spirits:

In speaking of the angels he says,

β€œHe makes his angels spirits,
    and his servants flames of fire.”[a]

Hebrews 1:7 NIV

The Lord also waited until this website came into being in 2021, so that it could be a vehicle to release these words of comfort into the world at this very distressing time. He initiated the creation of the website in the following manner: in October 2019 He showed me a vision of Himself, looking as He looks as an angel. Flames of fire, which looked like rippling waves on the surface of the sea, covered His face and body and He had four wings.

I realized last year that the reason that He has four wings is because He is the Glory of God. He does not need a third pair of wings to cover His face like the other angels, who have a third pair of wings to cover their faces in His presence, because He does not need to protect Himself from His own glory.

In March 2020 I went on a trip to Rome with my son and we both contracted Covid and developed symptoms three days after being repatriated back to the UK. It went into my lungs badly to the point that I was gasping for breath if I tried to walk outside the house. In April 2020, God healed me from Covid. It was a miraculous healing which brought me instantaneously from a place of gasping for breath, because half of my lung capacity was no longer there, to being able to take a full, deep breath. It was also a complete healing, because I had no long term problems associated with Covid. If you doubt that He healed me, read the words of prophecy and the articles on the website. They would not have come into the public domain if He had not healed me from Covid.

I believe that He healed me for two reasons. The first is because I have wanted for some years now to start an early intervention centre for children with autism. As I prayed for healing, I was thinking about the children. I asked God, how would I be able to run after the children if my lungs were in the state that they were in? The second reason was to create this website to bring comfort to people at this time and to bring back the knowledge of Who He really is to the church.

When He gave each of the words of prophecy, I could actually hear His voice speaking in my head and I wrote down what He said word for word. I could not stop transcribing what He was saying until He had finished speaking. I have heard that a similar method is used by people who do something called automatic writing. However, be assured that the spirits that are communicating to them are not the Holy Spirit, but fallen angelic spirits.

After being used in this way by God, I can attest to the fact that the Bible is the inspired word of God. This is because if I got a single word wrong in writing down either the prophecies or the articles, He would immediately give me a check in my spirit and make me change the word to what He wanted it to be. That is how I know that there is not a single word in the Bible that He does not want to be there and that the Bible is the written word of God.

It is a privilege to be used by God in this way, but it is also difficult, because one becomes very sensitive to the sin that is in one’s own life and that is difficult to bear.